A healer is, as his name suggests, a person who can heal certain diseases and ailments. To do this, he uses techniques and methods of health generally received from father to son. These secret techniques are shared only with a person of trust. They are based on empirical means, that is to say on the experience of healers experienced over the centuries and not on science.
“Person who makes profession of healing without having the official quality of Doctor and by means not recognized by Medicine” (Petit Robert)
According to public opinion, the healer is the man of the last resort, it is the one who has a gift and can exercise several specialties such as: magnetizer, radiesthesist, bander, exorcist …
Existing since the beginning of time, sometimes considered as a sorcerer, sometimes as an exceptional being or a seer, often a little all this at the same time, the Healer is, according to Jean-Claude Collard, “any person capable of helping all beings living out of physical, emotional, energetic or spiritual harm. He can have the gift when he is born, develop it, acquire it if he does not have it, or regain it if he does not have it anymore. ”
DON is hard to define. We believe that it is a predisposition animated by three main elements: faith, self-confidence and will.
Too often the last resort of the lost trust, the Healers are solicited very late. However, they would be of great help, as a preventive or curative.